October 21, 2011

#1 Gotta Have WordPress Plugin for Twitter

Donna Payne the Web Coach SEO content developer
Written by Donna Payne
Table of Contents

A while ago, Guy Kawasaki shared that he re-tweets his tweets. No, not like a broken record!

His philosophy is that good tweets should be repeated because news travels globally and across many different time zones.

Guy experimented by resending the same tweet every 4 hours for a 24 hour period.  He found that all 6 tweets had almost the same amount of comparable clicks to read, and retweeted by followers all across the globe.

Instead of 700 retweets in 24 hours, he got 2800.  Talk about getting more mileage per tweet!  LOL!

Guy uses a fancy program to do his retweeting and run reports – but there are free options out there.

Tweet Old Post is one of my absolute favorite WordPress plugins.
