August 24, 2008

7 Critical Website Elements for Solopreneurs and Fortune 500 Companies for 2009

Donna Payne the Web Coach SEO content developer
Written by Donna Payne

  1. What is the one action you want your visitor to take? This is how to ensure success:
    • Ask them to _____.
    • Tell them how to _____.
    • Show them how to _____.
  2. Free irresistible offer. 90% of most visitors don’t buy the first time, so you MUST capture their email address at the very least. Read more about “The Power of FREE”
  3. Consult request or make an appointment. (for service based biz) You MUST make it easy for prospects to connect with you
  4. Supporting facts, articles and information – it makes the decision to purchase easier.
  5. Testimonials. See tips and resources below.
  6. Be approachable! 62 Ways to MAXIMIZE Your Approachability
  7. Social connections = proof! Conversations with other leaders, clients and followers prove your expertise. ie. Facebook, Twitter, Friendfeed.
  8. BONUS: Follow-up. Auto-responders are the minimum effort… a personal phone call or thank you card adds a nice touch and gets you stuck in their memory.

Bad News…

…for boring, stagnant, all-about-me websites. If your website doesn’t have any of the 7 Critical Elements, don’t count on very many leads or sales.

Good News… (Yes, I’m an optimist!)

…it doesn’t require a lot of dough to create a new website, or overhaul your old one. This month we’re offering a WordPress based website (way cool and easy to use!) for as little as $799. Schedule an appointment – lets chat!

Action Steps:

  • Which of the 7 Critical elements is your website missing?
  • What steps will I take to be ready before 2009?
  • What support systems do I need in place?

It doesn’t have to be highly complex or profound – just do it!

Need help? Lets chat – schedule an appointment.

Copyright© 2008, Donna Payne

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Donna Payne is the creator of the money-and- time-saving “QuickStart Web Workbook.” To learn time- and money-saving techniques that everyone should know when working with a web designer, download your free copy today at