December 22, 2008

Web Coach Tip: Better Than Great Newsletter Tips You Can Use

Donna Payne the Web Coach SEO content developer
Written by Donna Payne

Linda Claire Puig, had this incredible case study in her newsletter… it’s so good, I swiped it, and posted it here for all the world to see and model!

Newsletter Success Case Study

Beverly FordBeverly Ford moved eight hours away from a 20-year practice to a town where she knew no one. Using her newsletter (and almost nothing else), she built a thriving practice in less than a year.

Beverly had lived in Chico, CA, for 30+ years, having a private therapy practice for 20 of those years. About a year ago, she and her husband moved eight hours south to San Luis Obispo, and Beverly got busy starting up a brand new practice.

She’d kept our information for several years, and knew it was time. Within a few days of contacting us, she had a four-page professional newsletter, customized with her photo and other information. This first issue had articles on regret, healing through creativity, assumptions, food and handling adversity. All she did was send us a brief note to include on page 2 that introduced herself to the community.

Beverly took her newsletter everywhere she went. “Anytime anyone said, ‘Do you have a business card,’ I just handed them the newsletter.” She also mailed them with a letter of introduction to local physicians. She took them with her to every meeting she attended, leaving stacks of as many as 50 for people to take. They would all disappear by the end of the meeting.

She also placed her newsletter in her own waiting room with a sign inviting people to take extras if they wanted to. They did. She began to see her newsletter in unexpected places, like at the health food store.

Though she advertised in a journal and a quarterly publication, she said she got almost nothing from those efforts. “The referrals truly came from people who read the articles and identified with them,” she said. “New clients always mention that newsletter.”

If writing and producing a newsletter isn’t something you want to spend your time on, please don’t hesitate to contact us at [email protected] or visit our websites to learn how we can provide you with a high-quality, professional newsletter that keeps your name in front of your community and positions you as an expert…with ease. Or let us help you with just the content, if you’re already doing your own newsletter.

Be EMPOWERED and Share the love! dp