March 7, 2009

Web Coach Tip: Emergency Plan For Your Biz

Donna Payne the Web Coach SEO content developer
Written by Donna Payne

Here’s a great idea from the folks at 37 Signals. For users of Basecamp or Backpack check out this smart tip:

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Create an emergency Backpack page

BackpackIs your business prepared for an emergency? A good idea: Set up a Backpack page that puts everyone on the same page about what to do when things go wrong.

Let’s say you’re a company that makes web apps. Set up a page that explains: What do you do when something goes wrong or your app is offline? Whom do you call? What are their numbers? Maybe you need to explain your policy for how to inform customers. For example: After 5 minutes you should update your status blog. After 15 minutes you should send out a note on Twitter… read the rest of the article.