Last saturday night the kids were at grandma’s, must husband was watching COPS, and I was reading my favorite blogs via Bloglines. (thanks for the tip Maria!)
A facebook status update appeared with a somewhat frantic cry for help with shopping cart software. My clients use Professional Cart Solutions a reseller of so I know the system well. Without thinking I clicked on the facebook status message sending me to Juliet’s FB page so I could send her a message. It took me all of 30 seconds to message her with my phone number to call if she wanted to chat.
A few minutes later, Juliet called. Within a little while she was in good shape. Here’s what she had to say:
You are the BEST!!!! Thank you so much for all of your help tonight.
I have managed to get a lot of stuff organized and might be close to ready, if not “good to go” soon!Hey folks, what a great teacher/counsellor/web-spert Donna is! A kind, and terrific soul.
Many thanks,